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Planar Transformer Creepage Distance

Posted by: aliaykan on


What is the planar transformer creepage distance between primary turns and secondary pins for reinforced insulation?


Best regards,


Attachment 大小
Creepage Distance.png 44.09 KB


Submitted by PI-Yoda on 07/20/2023

Hi aliaykan,

In the current version of the planar magnetic designer the secondary pins are positioned at more than the minimum required space for the creepage and clearance. You can reposition them by selecting a pin and change the 'Pin X position, mm'. It works from the center of the core.

Unfortunately, currently there is no strait number displayed to answer your question. However, there are some options to help with finding that actual distance.

1. Switch to 'Dimensions' on the top left 'Designer' menu in the Spiral Diagram Window.

Then, you can play with XP1 dimension figure to work out the answer to your question.

2. A most recommended final check is to generate the gerbers files and use some free gerber viewer for accurate measurements of creepage and clearance for each layer.

There is a plan to display this value automatically in a future version of the planar magnetic designer.

Submitted by aliaykan on 07/22/2023

Hi Yoda,

Thank you very much for your information. I meant the distance as a standard like IEC 61558-1.

Especially for internal and external (TOP&BOTTOM) layers.


Best regards,

Submitted by PI-Yoda on 07/23/2023

Hi aliaykan,

The IEC 61558 discuses extremely wide range of transformer cases. Looking for one number answer is only possible when we go deep in the details of the actual application instance.

For example, if we consider

  • generic charger application with reasonable pollution degree and materials quality, application
  • involving PI flyback topology controller, with universal mains input defining Rms and Pk Amplitudes of the signals,

the minimum creepage and clearance requirements for reinforced insolation for the outside layers of the planar PCB could be consider as 6.4mm for any primary to any secondary connected parts. That is no different than the wire-wound component.

Inside the internal layers reinforced insulation distance is a subject of the quality of the lamination process, and it may drop down to 0.4mm in ideal condition.


Always keep in mind that to guarantee all the product parameters is a responsibility of the designer.

Any advice should be consider as guidance. It does not diminish the personal responsibility of the designer to check and convince himself that the final product is compliant with the requirements. ..and safety is the most critical one.


Best Regards,

Submitted by aliaykan on 07/23/2023

Hi Yoda,

Thank you very much for your clarification.


Best regards,

Submitted by PI-Yoda on 03/08/2024

Hi aliaykan,

I did already answer the question. I will copy the answer again here for you reference. Thank you, PI-Yoda

Submitted by PI-Yoda on 07/21/2023

Hi aliaykan,

In the current version of the planar magnetic designer the secondary pins are positioned at more than the minimum required space for the creepage and clearance. You can reposition them by selecting a pin and change the 'Pin X position, mm'. It works from the center of the core.

Unfortunately, currently there is no strait number displayed to answer your question. However, there are some options to help with finding that actual distance.

1. Switch to 'Dimensions' on the top left 'Designer' menu in the Spiral Diagram Window.

Then, you can play with XP1 dimension figure to work out the answer to your question.

2. A most recommended final check is to generate the gerbers files and use some free gerber viewer for accurate measurements of creepage and clearance for each layer.

There is a plan to display this value automatically in a future version of the planar magnetic designer.