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Showing 31 - 45 of 172 Videos
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GaN 革命 - PowiGaN が GaN の進歩をリード

PI の会長兼 CEO の Balu Balakrishnan 氏が、PowiGaN テクノロジーがまもなくシリコンや SiC に取って代わり、最も効率的でコスト効率の高い高電圧電源を実現する方法について語ります。

HiperLCS-2 Chipset Introduction

The new HiperLCS-2 chipset (HiperLCS2-HB power device + HiperLCS2-SR isolation device) brings Power Integrations’ unique 600 V FREDFETs and magneto-inductive FluxLink technology to the LLC topology. The result is 98%...

HiperPFS-5 Product Introduction

The HiperPFS-5 high-efficiency quasi-resonant PFC ICs with 750 V PowiGaN switch enable compact power-factor stage for ultra-fast chargers, consumer electronics, computer and appliance power supplies. Vice President of Marketing Doug...